Meet the Team

Experienced, qualified and committed in all aspects of Agribusiness & Bioenergy

Establish a Beachhead Team: Many global companies try to launch with executives from the parent company or rapidly build a local team from scratch. This is time consuming, risky, and slows time to market. Using proven senior interim executives allows the company to hit the ground running, quickly validate assumptions, and drive key readiness initiatives while the company hires the right senior management team.Forbes/Entrepreneurs: 10 Key Steps To Expanding Your Business Globally - Mar 2015
AgriBioLink Ltd was established to support the needs of businesses looking to launch agribusiness and bioenergy projects in CHINA, USA and EUROPE. Expansion requires time on the ground and experience, and the learning curve can be steep, unforgiving, and costly (especially in CHINA).
We are a team of seasoned international professionals, available to support or lead your venture, to help avoid the pitfalls that await the unaccustomed. We have deep knowledge across multiple disciplines, and experience of working in a number of locations and functions (Operations, Technical, Engineering, Financial, and Commercial).We are further reinforced by a strong network of professionals in the host countries.

Meet the AgriBioLink Team:

Growth at Capitol Hill cropPeter McGenity, director of AgriBioLink :- 25 year track record, leading projects up to $250m in Agri Processing (corn, wheat, tapioca, modified starches, glucose, maltodextrins, dextrose), and Renewable Energy (ethanol, gasification, energy from waste, biomass, AD).

As the sole in-country corporate representative, has established large scale businesses in China (10 years), Thailand (one year) and USA (three years) for Cerestar, Cargill, and Vireol Bio Energy,and has extensive grain processing and biomass experience within UK and rest of Europe. Able to represent or support remote corporate leadership, in development and execution of strategy, working with cross-cultural and international teams.

Qualified with an MBA, BSc Honors Degree in Mechanical Engineering, Fellow of Institution of Mechanical Engineers (UK).

Tracy camera March 2016 Hopewell resized v03Bo Hu McGenity, director of AgriBioLink :- 15 years’ experience in the corn processing industry, including the development of the starch and feed product export market from scratch for Cerestar/Cargill at their China JV in Jilin Province ($36m/year after 18 months).

International experience includes 12 years in UK and USA, as a Project Accountant, establishing the financial management reporting and industry bench-marking systems for Vireol Bio Energy (ethanol) in USA, and has supported two major US ethanol technologists with their activities in China, including cassava feed-stock ethanol plant and 1.5G technology transfer.

Degree in English in Science & Technology, and Chartered Accountant, and has extensive cultural, linguistic and international experience in Agri Processing and Renewable Energy industries. Native Mandarin speaker, and fluent in English.

Our Partners & Associates:

Jim Yates resizedJim Yates :- 30 years’ experience in the development and implementation of capital projects for the chemical industry, including leading major projects in caramel, glucose and wheat processing.
Has worked on capital improvements at UK’s largest bioethanol plant, and his projects have taken him to USA, Russia, and Japan. Jim’s Project Management and Engineering experience at board level are reinforced by his lecturing in MBA course, and coaching and mentoring international managers.
Qualified with an MBA, Bachelor of Technology in Chemical Engineering with Management Economics, Fellow of Institution of Chemical Engineers (UK).


chris vanezis re-sized v0.1Chris Vanezis 
:- Chartered Accountant with 20 years’ experience in energy and associated businesses. Held CFO roles for Express Energy, developer of a 60MWe biomass and waste to energy project in the UK, and for the international business development arm of Cinergy Corp (Duke Energy).
As a Project Accountant for Midlands Electricity and as an Audit Manager for Coopers & Lybrand (PWC), has worked on numerous energy and renewable energy generation projects, electricity transmission and gas distribution projects, gaining significant experience of Project Development, Due Diligence, Financial Modelling & Valuation, Contracting, Financing/Funding and Regulatory issues.


Maxwell photo final re-sizedDr. Maxwell Enwere  :- 20 years’ experience in agricultural commodities, including over 15 years in USA. As the VP of Commodities and Risk Management, he oversaw the risk management and commercial operations of 270 million gallons ethanol plants, and a 45 million pounds of vital wheat gluten operations in the United States. He has strong expertise in grain & DDGS merchandising and hedging. Has managed the price risk of agricultural and energy derivatives; and logistic/supply chain management internationally from US, and has been a certified Commodities Trading Advisor for several years.

Doctor of Business Administration from the University of Phoenix (US), BSc Degree in Agricultural and Food Business Management (US), and HND in Marketing (Nigeria).

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