
Seamless and secure presence in your new market, ready for a quick start, while building your permanent local team

1. Fact Finding

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2. Discovery & Planning

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3. Launch

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4. Commercialisation

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Operate and trade in the host country, before fully establishing your own local legal entity

AgriBioLink can just provide an interim stepping stone to localisation, or we can Project Manage the start-up, until a permanent team is in situ.

Even with the most comprehensive research and preparation, many companies fall at the execution hurdle, with limited support, systems and structure in place.

Our experience and processes can help get your project started on the right footing, while supporting your local team as it ramps up the learning curve.

Expansion needs a presence on the ground, to lead and manage, setting solid foundations for success - we've been there and done it.

Expect the unexpected, and be prepared for a particularly intensive period. We’ll help ensure alignment with corporate culture, objectives and performance, supporting the plethora of activities, including:

  • Local team recruitment, training, & development
  • Establish systems & procedures
  • Engineering
  • Operations’ planning/management
  • Test & develop the market
  • Engage with trade associations & government officials
  • Patents, & other IP protection
  • Contract finalization & legal/regulatory requirements
  • Utilities, feed-stocks, vendors, raw materials, …
  • Supply chain: transport, warehousing, ..
  • Policy localisation to include: Legal, Tax, IP, HR, IT, Insurance ….
  • Funding, banking & financial controls/management
Find out how we can short-cut & de-risk the process
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